Prayer Therapy Principles
The foundation of George Hartwell's
'Life Transformation Therapy'
by George Hartwell M.Sc. Developer of Life
Transformation Therapy
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When the counsellor approaches Prayer Therapy
with an understanding of fundamental principles there is great
flexibility. One has options rather than getting stuck.
Principles are the basis of Life Transformation Therapy so the
therapist comes with openess to any situation listening to God.
One can respond to a client with a variety of methods; with
options. Only with openess and flexibility can we adopt to the
uniqueness of each person or couple and be creative in our response.
Professionals who practice Prayer Therapy do
more than pray for their clients. True I start sessions with
prayer (invocation)
and we finish with prayer as well. However, Prayer Therapy is
professional therapeutic intervention designed to result in deep
significant and lasting change. The professional
interview that precedes Prayer Therapy allows the professional to
understand the client, their goals and to focus
the session on a particular problem or pattern.
In my experience in dealing with married
couples I have identified 10 patterns that can be taken to prayer
therapy. in my article Ten
Marriage Transforming Prayer Encounters I name each of
these 10 patterns, give a brief description and in some cases also
describe the Prayer Therapy Intervention that I use. Some of
these patterns are:
The Right to be Right,
- Self image as Idol,
- King of the Castle,
- Here Comes the Judge,
- Savior No More (Rescuer),
- Autonomous Mind,
- Partner on a Pedestal,
- Release Expectations,
- Cut Umbilical Cords and
- Need to let Go - Listening
prayer: Put it on the Altar
The following are some of the
methods and principles of Life Transformation Therapy:
God's presence is key to all healing and life transformation
so always open in prayer inviting God's presence. (Learned from
Leanne Payne who would have us always practice the presence of God.)
- God
inhabits the praises of his people so
do not begin sessions addressing Satan, binding or commanding
demons. (Learned from Judson Cornwall who found out that demons
are attracted to the attention they get from our prayers against them.)
- Draw
near to God. Avoid
so-called 'spiritual warfare' type prayer that binds principalities
or powers of the air or territorial spirits. This is a form of
witchcraft prayer. Repent of any and all such practices. (Made clear
in John Paul Jackson's book: "Needless Casualties of War.")
- Avoid
labels and diagnostics including getting entangled in the issues
around multiple personalities, DID, etc. Jesus can handle this. I
prefer not to let Him do it and not me.
- At
times it helps to focus our question to God. Develop a simple root
issue question to guide listening to God. (Learned from John Regier's
who says that God can bring to mind a scripture, song or picture in listening
prayer in response to a simple core question. He expects a
picture story when dealing with very early memories from our younger
years when words have less meaning.)
- Let
the Holy Spirit guide. The Listening Prayer Therapist learns how to
focus a problem on a feeling and asking the Holy Spirit to lead to
the root memories connected with that feeling. Pray and take time to
listen for God's guidance during a session. I assume the memory
that comes to mind after such prayer is relevant to this person even
if it does not make immediate sense.
- Freedom
from bondage through Truth Encounters: avoid deliverance through
power encounter and personal authority. Neil Anderson teaches: that
an encounter with Jesus' truth is an effective deliverance method. I
make use of Jesus' life, presence and cutting of spiritual ties for
deliverance from darkness.
ENCOUNTER: I bring inner healing and personal transformation through
an encounter with Jesus - the Way, the Truth and the Life. The
healing we need is in God; the therapist provides the process or way
to God's healing presence.
BELIEFS: From Ed Smith's TheoPhostic process and Art Zielstra's
Prayer Counselling, I learned the method of following the feeling to
the memory; finding the core beliefs in the memory and using listening
prayer to overcome the unhealthy core belief.
IDENTITY: The core beliefs - sometimes learned in pain, trauma and
dysfunction define our negative identity and self-image. With healing
of core beliefs a positive identity emerges. Practice, name and
reinforce this new identity.
TRANSFORMATION: Like John Regier, I find that core belief healing
and transformational inner healing establishing a new identity is
necessary to restore and transform a couple's relationship. Like John
Regier, I include a minimum of 10 sessions in a marriage retreat.
About George Hartwell
Board of Reference
Therapeutic Methods
Strategic Links
Contact: (416)
234-1850 Office: 123 1454 Dundas Street East, Mississauga,
Ontario. L4X 1L4 Professional Fee is $120.00 / hour
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